Broken Before Use (The Doll Maker's Son Book 1) by Unknown

Broken Before Use (The Doll Maker's Son Book 1) by Unknown

Language: eng
Format: epub

Chapter 9

The first move was made by one of the cloaked figures, who launched themselves towards Pike. Seconds later three or four of the others followed suit, and, before we knew it, we were once again doing battle with Zombie-Vampires. I kept my head out of it as much as possible whilst keeping a close eye on Rebecca. Like me, she appeared to be keeping herself out of the fray, and, for a moment I found myself filled with my mother’s kind of intuition.

My guts told me Rebecca didn’t really want to be doing this. I wasn’t foolish enough to think she was on our side by any means, she clearly had no problems with what she was. And I was also fairly certain she would have no problems with the idea of killing any of us on her own terms. But there was something about her relationship with Dixon, or maybe it was Dixon’s relationship with Obin, which was giving her second thoughts about everything else.

I knew full well her having second thoughts, didn’t mean she didn’t have a plan to follow. Or that she wouldn’t follow that plan, whatever her true feelings about it were. But that didn’t matter. It wasn’t as if we weren’t following a plan of our own. And, right at that moment in time, my plan involved creating an opportunity for me, Rachel, and the twins to slip away. I turned my gaze away from Rebecca for a second, and shot a look in Summer’s direction. She nodded towards me as she spotted the same opening I had. I flicked my attention back towards where Rebecca had been. She was gone. In her place were three or four new hooded figures, and something told me more of them were on their way.

‘How big is there nest exactly?’ Pike fended off two attackers.

‘I think we’ll find out if we hang about long enough,’ Simon ducked down to dodge an attack, before launching a brutal one of his own. ‘But at least these things are going down pretty easily.’

‘For now.’

I gritted my teeth with frustration, and took a shot at one of the new arrivals. My aim was getting better with each bolt I fired, and I was able to land a paralysing blow. As they fell to the floor I reloaded my crossbow for another shot, and took aim. Before I could fire, however, Rebecca’s image flashed before my eyes. I shook my head, and stumbled back from the shock of it. I glanced about for an explanation, but there was nothing obvious, so I took aim again and fired. This time my aim was a little off. I managed to hit the Zombie-Vampire in one of its no doubt empty eye sockets, but the wound didn’t faze the freakish hybrid, and I was left with nothing more I could do except reload my crossbow and try again.

It took three or four more shots to get it right. And it was beginning to feel like every time I took aim something would flicker into my vision to distract me.


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